Author Guidelines

Authors who submit their works to the Jurnal Komunitas Literasi must adhere to the following guideline.

  1. The manuscript is written in English or Indonesian, and it includes study findings, field research, literary research, theories, and articles on social phenomena and issues.
  2. The manuscript must be prepared in A4 paper in Microsoft Word, with 6,000-7,000 words in Source Times New Roman size 12 pts and 1.15 spacing, and saved in either.docx (Microsoft Word Document) or.rtf (Rich Text Format) format, except when otherwise noted in the template (please see the template for further instructions). 
  3. The following items must be included within the manuscript:


It should be no more than 14 words long, and it should be clear, simple, and instructive. Abbreviations should be avoided whenever possible.

Author Name(s)

The author(s)'s name(s) is or are written without any academic degrees, followed by the name of the author's institution, which is situated beneath the article's title. When the manuscript is written by more than one person, the editor only communicates with the principal author or the first author named. The main author's correspondence address or email must be included.


The abstract should be written in two languages (Indonesian and English) between 250 and 300 words long, with keywords limited to 3-5 words. At the very least, the abstract should include the research's goal, methods, and findings.


Introduction to the background, topic, and research questions or hypothesis should be presented first and foremost. This section can incorporate a literature review if one exists, that shows the research gap that the author(s) chooses to address. The research goals should be written at the end part of the introduction.

Research Methods

The author(s) must explain the methods through which the research is conducted and the reasons by which they justify the application of such methods.

Results and Discussion

The discussion may consist of several sub-chapters that explore and delve into the research as they are presented within the context of the social world that is discussed within the manuscript. 

Conclusion and Suggestions

The manuscript must end in conclusions that answer the problems addressed. The conclusion should be written with research-based appropriate facts to back it up. The study findings and results should be able to answer or explain the question(s) posed in the introduction. The responses to the hypothesis and/or study objectives, as well as the gathered findings, should be exemplified in the summary. Instead of repeating research findings and debates, the summary should offer a summary of research findings and findings as expected in the study objective or hypothesis. The suggestions should present issues that will be investigated further in regard to the research's conclusions.


All references cited in the article's content should be included in the bibliography section.5t should include references from primary sources published within the last 5 (five) years of the field, except for key literatures such as classical social theories. Scientific journal articles have to make up 80% of the references, followed by proceeding papers, books, monographs, speeches, publications of government policies, or other unpublished scientific findings (research reports, masters theses, and doctoral dissertations only) for the remaining 20%. When an unscientific work is cited, such as a YouTube video, or a podcast episode, or any of such medium, author(s) must provide sufficient reason for its use in the Research Methods, as well as Results and Discussion sections of their manuscript.

All cited references should be prepared in reference format, using the American Psychological Association (APA) style 7th edition, and sorted alphabetically.

Ensure the accuracy of the citations, and make sure that every cited work is included in the References section. The editor will omit works that are not cited but are listed in the References.

Usage of reference generators such as Mendeley, EndNote and Zotero is a must.